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Former Child Actor Arrested for DUI After Super Bowl

A former child actor was arrested in Arizona after the Super Bowl for DUI, according to recent reports. Marcus Paulk, 28, was a star on the 1990s sitcom “Moesha” on the UPN Network as the character Myles Mitchell. He has also starred in films with Wesley Snipes, Robert Downey, Jr., Antonio Banderas and Alfre Woodard.

On Sunday, Paulk was pulled over in Scottsdale after driving too close to a fire truck and two police cars, all of which had emergency lights flashing. Police found that he smelled of alcohol and had a bag of marijuana in his pocket. Paulk allegedly admitted that he had smoked pot earlier in the day and had been drinking cognac before driving. His blood alcohol content was measured at .109 percent, slightly higher than Arizona’s limit of .08 percent.

Paulk has been released on $2,000 bail.

Drinking and Driving Facts in Arizona

Arizona’s drunk driving laws provide for very strict penalties for those caught operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While the issue of drug-related DUI continues to be debated in the courts, the penalties for alcohol-related DUI have been established for some time and are not in doubt. If you are convicted of DUI in Arizona, it is very likely that you will face at least one day and possibly as many as 10 in jail as well as thousands of dollars in fines and the loss of your license. In order to get your driver’s license back, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle as well as attend mandatory classes and file an SR-22 insurance form with the state.

If you are charged with DUI, it is very important to protect your rights. Under Arizona law, you are afforded the right to have an attorney represent you in your DUI case. Even for first-time DUI charges, this is often the best choice. An attorney with years of experience in defending DUI cases can offer you help in fighting these charges and may have a better outcome than you could achieve handling your case alone. In some cases, an attorney may find ways to have your charges dismissed or reduced.

Alex Lane and his team are ready to help. Located in Phoenix, Alex Lane represents hundreds of people accused of DUI each year. Contact Alex Lane today for help dealing with your DUI charges.


If you have been charged with a DUI, drug charge, sex crime or any serious criminal offense, let an experienced defense team fight for you. Schedule a consultation with one of our partners today. Call (480) 562-3482 or send an email.